Frequently Asked Questions.

Why are you independent?

We have a commitment to independence so that our results and opinions mean something. By maintaining rigourous boundaries between our services and those offered by others we can ensure that our clients recieve real scientific advice, and if a case ever becomes a legal matter our reports have a solid standing in court.

What is a Mycologist?

Mycology is the specific study of Mould & Fungi, it is a very specialised field and not many actual ‘Environmental Mycologists’ exist in the world. We are founded by Dr Heike Neumeister-Kemp who is world renowned for her impact and leadership in this area. Because of this specialist expertise she is often called upon by the courts to serve as the subject matter expert otherwise known as an ‘Expert Witness’

Why do you have to take samples for an IAQ inspection?

Most contaminants are microscopic meaning they cannot be seen with the naked eye and therefore must be looked at under a microscope to determine what they are and how harmful they are to us. Taking physical samples also means that the results can be cross checked by multiple sceintists before the data is collated into an expert report. If no samples are taken and PRV or Clearance is given based purely on someone’s opinion, then it becomes a matter of criminal negligence.

The person who did my Clearance testing only did a visual inspection, is that ok?

Without taking any appropriate air or surface samples there is no scientific evidence that a building is safe to re-enter or that it you should begin re-building. Many companies offer a visual/olfactory (smell) inspection which is entirely based on someones opinion. In an instance like this we strongly recommend an Independent IAQ inspection be performed by a qualified technician, including air samples, surface samples, moisture readings and more.

What is Remediation?

Remediation is the process of removing contaminants from a building through various methods. This is the role of the Restorer or Remediation company. Mycotec remains independent from this part of the process.

Why can’t the person who remediated do the testing?

If someone is checking their own work it is called a ‘conflict of intrest’ because they cannot perform the task without bias. Think of it like a student marking their own exam, nobody would trust the results.

What is the difference between a Pre-Inspection, PRV and Clearance Testing?

Pre-Inspection: A detailed inspection prior to any remediation work taking place. This step ensures that everything is considered for the scope.

PRV Testing: Post-Remediation-Verification (PRV) is a vital investigation that ensures the remediation process was thorough and effective.

Clearance Testing: The strictest level of examination after restoration is complete. Once a 'Clearance Certificate' is issued it is safe to re-enter.

My House failed PRV what does that mean?

If a PRV test comes back as a ‘fail’ it means that the remediation process was not effective and further work must be done before it is safe to re-enter. We strongly advise that you do not enter Bio-Hazard containment areas or begin re-building until a successfull PRV is completed.

Do I need harsh chemicals to clean mould?

NO! Mould can be cleaned with naturally brewed vinegar and water (80% / 20%) because the genetic makeup of mould is so similar to our own bodies, harsh chemicals that will kill mould will also have negative effects on our own health. Visit our Mycology page to read more about this.